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What Is Meta Description and 6 Tips to Create Effective One

Last updated: Nov 28, 2024

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When you surf the search results, you surely consider the title and descriptions provided before choosing the desired website to visit. Thus, the existence of a meta description in a piece of content is crucial to showing users a captivating description. 

Yet, creating meta descriptions is not as easy as writing information. You must make it effective and convincing enough to attract users to visit your site. Moreover, if your meta description is too long, Google will more likely truncate it.

Then, how to make an excellent meta description? This article will guide you to the ins and outs of the on-page element and the best practices. 


What Is Meta Description?

The meta description is an HTML element that gives a brief overview of a webpage. It may show up in Google's search engine results pages (SERPs) as a snippet beneath the page's title and URL. 

The primary goal of a meta description tag is to provide the user with the context of what you bring in the content and how it can relate to their query.

Google generates a sample of your sites based on the meta description, the content, and the search query. Remember that Google prioritizes high-quality content for users so it uses whichever it thinks best fits the user's search query.

This indicates that your meta description should be relevant to your page, descriptive, and unique.

Yet, to better reflect their understanding of a searcher's purpose, Google occasionally rewrites your meta descriptions for their SERPs. 

The meta description example is as follows:

The example of meta description.
Figure 1: The example of meta description. 

You can include a meta description by adding it to <head> part of the code on the page. For example, you can set your meta description as follows:

<meta name="description" content="Local SEO for small businesses is crucial to target audiences in certain areas. Learn how to implement local SEO for small businesses here!">

Or, if you manage your site via a content management system (CMS), you can add the description to the provided section.


How Important Is Meta Description for SEO?

Meta description is not a direct ranking factor, but it plays an important role in your SEO efforts. It creates snippets that inform search engines about your page and make you shine on the SERP from competitors.

By persuading more people to click on your link, a good snippet raises brand awareness and your click-through rate (CTR). 

Furthermore, if you see the example provided above, you can see that certain words are set bold by Google. That marks the query you type in the search bar and the bold indicates that your content is relevant to the query. As a result, users can scrutinize the results and visit the most relevant content they need. 

Now, should you write meta descriptions for every page on your site? It is not mandatory since it is not a ranking factor, but creating one will benefit you. 

You stand a better chance of maintaining narrative control if you consistently include a meta description. 

Anyhow, you may need more time to set meta descriptions for all of your pages. Thus, if you have to, you can give priority to important landing pages, content that you want it to rank, and product pages. 

Another fact that you must know is that your meta descriptions are not always used by Google because it automatically creates snippets based on information on the website or user queries.

Google might produce a different snippet for you if it thinks your HTML meta description does not meet the searcher's purpose.

Then, does it still matter? Yes, meta description can help Google understand your content or page better. In addition, the meta description will be shown on your social media when you share it, just like an example below:

Meta description on X post.
Figure 2: Meta description on X post. 


What Is the Most Recommended Meta Description Length?

Actually, meta description length depends on your need, but since Google will truncate longer meta descriptions for better appearance on both desktop and mobile devices, some meta description length recommendations arise. 

The current and commonly recommended length is between 130-155 characters including the spaces or 680 pixels. You can check the length of your meta description using Title and Meta Description Checker by cmlabs. Also, you can use a meta description generator to generate a suitable one and see how it looks on SERPs.


How to Create a Meta Description

Now that you already know what meta description is and why it is important for your SEO efforts, let’s learn how to create it effectively. Below are SEO meta description best practices you can adhere to:


1. Incorporate Target Keyword

The first tip is incorporating main target keyword to the meta description. Your SEO will not be immediately impacted by this. However, it may persuade users to click, particularly since Google frequently bolds phrases that are part of the query or synonyms for it.

Important note: Do not just mention keywords on your meta description like the example below:

<meta name="description" content="shoes, men shoes, running shoes, walking shoes">

Instead, craft it comprehensively like the example below:

<meta name="description" content="Get high-quality and local brand running shoes here. 20% off every Monday!">


2. Make It Relevant

Next, your meta description must be relevant to your content. Thus, you must write the information presented on the content and avoid talking about something other than that. 


3. Match It with Search Intent

Please note that you write meta description for users, so you must give what they want by understanding their search intent. Each content format surely have different types of meta description. For example, for product comparison, the meta description should be detailed and clear. 


4. Add Call to Action

Call to action will lead users to your next desire actions, such as purchasing, signing up, subscribing, and so on. You can add imperative sentences like learn more, shop now, book a call now, try for free, and many more to your HTML meta descriptions. That way, you can get more clicks. 


5. Mention Product Details

When creating a meta description for a product page, you should include details on the features, advantages, and availability of the product. Thus, when users click on your site, they can get what they are expected. 

Your product meta descriptions should contain product name, model number, features, price, promo (if there is any), offers (if there is any), product benefits, shipping options, and product availability. 

By adding these specifics, you can increase the relevance and attraction of your meta description to prospective buyers. 


6. Make It Unique to Every Page

When separate pages of a website show up in search results, having identical or comparable descriptions on each page is not beneficial and effective. Hence, you must make sure that your descriptions accurately reflect the page.



Those are the detailed information about meta description you should take note of. To sum up, meta description can help search engines and users understand your content better. It also encourages more clicks to your site and content. Finally, it will influence your SEO efforts. 

To maximize your SEO, ensure that you work with an expert team and appropriate resources. In this case, you can rely on SEO Service by cmlabsDiscuss your needs with us now for free! 



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