Anti-Corruption and Gratification Guidelines

Written by cmlabs | Last updated at Nov 17, 2023

NO. 0047/PP/CID/II/2022

Guidelines regarding gratification in PT cmlabs Indonesia Digital are the company ethic codes which states briefly, clearly, and detailed in providing clear directions regarding business ethical behavior, including;

Every individual at cmlabs and/or their family (husband/wife/children) is prohibited from receiving or requesting gratuities directly or indirectly from any third parties. Such as giving/receiving money/equivalent to money, goods, discounts, commissions, interest-free loans, free medical treatment, certain support or benefits, gifts or other facilities that have financial value, and other things that provide personal benefits to oneself and their families who are accepted domestically and abroad and which are carried out by electronic means or without electronic means carried out by cmlabs individuals related to their authority/position at cmlabs, are categorized as "Gratifications" which can cause conflicts of interest in the future. cmlabs has stipulated provisions regarding the Gratification in the cmlabs Ethics Guidelines which confirms that cmlabs individuals are not allowed to receive Gratification from other parties in any form. cmlabs will continue to maintain an anti-corruption policy that aims to prevent material and immaterial losses that can interfere with the continuity of cmlabs business by increasing cmlabs compliance and discipline towards laws, regulations, and cmlabs Ethics Guidelines as well as supporting government programs to increase awareness of high ethical culture in In carrying out cmlabs activities related to external parties, in this case, partners and government related to cmlabs, by:

  • Not to take actions by oneself or a group that can harm cmlabs;
  • Not to abuse the authority, opportunity, or cmlabs's properties for personal or group gain;
  • Not to commit any form of fraud within the cmlabs scope of work;
  • No to offer, promise, ask for or give permission, or accept for personal or group gain of any kind;
  • Not to extort in any form.

cmlabs will continue to conduct business and/or work in a legal, ethical, honest, and professional manner in line with the cmlabs ethic codes, vision, and mission. This practice will be applied to every activity performed by cmlabs. Sanctions for cmlabs individuals who are identified as committing acts of corruption are punishments or strict consequences for violations committed individually or in groups by:

  • Provide a Warning Letter to the suspected individual of committing gratification or acts of giving and receiving bribes;
  • Dishonorably dismissal;
  • Charge the person to the applicable law in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

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