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Algorithm Updates

Google Release The November Core Update and Its QnA

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A core update is part of Google's strategy to ensure that search results displayed to users are the best and most relevant. With updates occurring almost monthly, Google strives to continually improve and refine its ranking algorithm.

A core update is a comprehensive update made to the underlying algorithm system. In recent months, Google has routinely been updating it to refine search results. Learn about the latest November Core Update here.

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Key Takeaways
  • Google has released its fourth core update of the year, called the November Core Update. 

  • This update represents a refinement of the system from last month's core update. 

  • Google has also released a Q&A regarding the core update, which can serve as a guide for website owners in navigating through this update.

Google has once again released a core update named the "November Core Update" on November 2, 2023. This marks the fourth core update issued by Google in the year 2023. The core update updates and enhances the ranking system used by Google to determine the position of web pages in search results.


November Core Update

The November Core Update is part of Google's strategy to ensure that search results displayed to users are the best and most relevant. With updates almost monthly, Google aims to continuously improve and refine its ranking algorithm. This is done to ensure users receive high-quality and relevant information.

According to Google's official statement, the reason for frequent core updates is their continually evolving ranking system. Each update is a step forward in improving their algorithm.

In the case of the November Core Update, Google explains that it is a refinement of the system from the previous core update, the October Core Update. This indicates that Google is actively monitoring the effects of previous updates and making further improvements to ensure increasingly relevant search results.


Q&A About Search Update

In addition to releasing the core update, Google has provided a guide for website owners to better understand it. They released a Q&A containing information about the search update.

In the Q&A, Google explains important questions such as:

  • What changes in this month's update?
  • What is the difference between the ranking system and updates?
  • Why does Google perform updates?
  • What should be done if there is an update?
  • If website traffic decreases after an update, does it mean I am spamming?
  • What updates are shared by Google?
  • Shouldn't there be updates during the holiday shopping season?
  • And more.


A crucial point highlighted by Google is its intention to avoid releasing core updates during peak holiday seasons like Christmas and other major holidays. However, there are times when core updates are necessary to refine search results, ensuring users can rely on relevant outcomes.

Facing a core update by Google remains consistent – by conducting a self-assessment of the published content. This is also covered in the shared Q&A on Google Search Update. Read the Google Search Update Q&A for a deeper understanding.



On November 28th, this update was announced to be completed and fully rolled out. After 26 days since its launch, Google's algorithm has implemented this update. Has your website been affected?

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As a dedicated news provider, we are committed to accuracy and reliability. We go the extra mile by attaching credible sources to support the data and information we present.

  1. Status Google Search Central di Twitter: 
  2. QnA Google Search Update: 

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Tati Khumairoh

Tati Khumairoh

An experienced content writer who is eager in creating engaging and impactful written pieces across various industries. Using SEO approach to deliver high-quality content that captivates readers.

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