The Google Review System Has Just Been Updated. How will It Impact SEO?

The Google Review System's update last April 2023 has broadened its scope on evaluating review contents. What it tells us? Will it affect SEO?
Published at Jun 20, 2023 07:06
For as long as it has existed, Google Review System always warrants product review. Early this year, it broadened its scope to accommodate multiple languages, including Indonesian. However, the latest update in April 2023 may as well change the landscape of SEO. Is it so? We have sampled websites of various niches to answer that.
What is the Google Review System?
Google Review System (GRS) is a set of algorithms to evaluate review content. It aims to improve and ensure the quality of those reviews. The latest update was rolled out on 12th April 2023.
The most recent update broadened its scope. What was focused solely on product reviews, Google will now be able to evaluate “service, destinations, games, movies, or other topics” of reviews. These updates will only affect first-party reviews, not third-party reviews written by users in the comment sections.
Google never did explain what these “other topics” mean, but it is safe to assume that reviews of any kind will be evaluated. Furthermore, Google has also updated its guide to writing reviews.
Not less importantly, one other reason why website players and enthusiasts should pay these updates heed is that it will also evaluate contents in the Indonesian language.
Important Factors in Writing Reviews
These are among the most important factors affecting review contents:
1. Written from Users’ POV
This implies that contents must be written by persons who have firsthand experience. It aims to ensure the contents’ trustworthiness and originality.
2. Put Supporting Links
Whenever possible, where there’s a claim in the contents, we should put supporting links. Or, suppose we’re reviewing games, we could put links directing users to our streaming or video channels. We could also put links to other sellers should we compare prices to either products or services.
3. Provide Audio Visual Evidences
Much like point 1, this directive implies firsthand experience. Visuals, for example, should not be taken from online photo stocks (there are special circumstances, as will be explained below). Yet, not all reviews require such evidence (like video games or movie reviews).
4. Quantitative measurement
This last important directive implies that claims must be quantitative to avoid subjectivity as much as possible and to make sure it is relatable to most users.
Google Review System Impacts on SEO
Up until the point this article was written, sampled data has shown little to no impact on websites in Indonesia. Take these 2 travel blogs. No significant traffic was seen before, since, and after one week of the rollout (12 - 19 April).
Similar instances can be seen from two other websites. Below is data sampled from a game and gadget contents. Still no significant traffic fluctuation during the aforementioned period.
Last sampled website, a service website below also experienced similar traffic fluctuation.
An in-depth dig was conducted on those websites and the result was still inconclusive. Every page that experienced a sudden spike and drop during 12-19 April has no similar patterns. All of them featured no firsthand visual evidence, written not from the user's POV, and little to no quantitative claim.
However, it must be noted that these samplings were very limited. Going overseas, in the UK for example, Glen Gabe indeed examined notable traffic fluctuations on various niche websites.
No significant results were observed as of now due to the low sample, yet we do not deny its impact–further research on Indonesian websites should be conducted. However, we still believe this update is heading toward a more significant change, historically speaking. As its scope has broadened, only time may answer whether Google Review System will warrant its place on the Google Core Update.
Article Source
As a dedicated news provider, we are committed to accuracy and reliability. We go the extra mile by attaching credible sources to support the data and information we present.1. G-Squared Interactive: "Google's April 2023 Review Update"
2. Google: "Google Search's reviews system and your website”
3. Google: "Write high quality reviews”

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