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Search Engine

Google Confirms Leak of Internal Search Documents

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Google acknowledges the leak of internal documents containing over 14,000 ranking factors in Google Search. Discover more here!

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Key Takeaways
  • Google acknowledges the leak of internal documents containing over 14,000 ranking factors in Google Search.

  • However, Google claims that the leaked documents lack sufficient context and should not be considered as guidelines.

  • The leaked information from the internal documents has caused a stir in the marketing, SEO, and publishing industries because Google has always operated in secrecy.

Google admits that around 2,500 pages of internal documents related to its search engine "leaked" to the public.

This renowned search engine company has always kept the workings of its search engine secret, even though this data plays a significant role in traffic, online ad revenue, and information flow.

However, thousands of documents suddenly surfaced, detailing how Google ranks content in its search engine.


How Significant Was the Document Leak?

The internal Google documents, totaling 2,500 pages, are suspected to contain over 14,000 ranking factors that Google uses to manage websites, from media sites to businesses.

These factors include the authority of a website on a subject, the size of the website, or the number of clicks a webpage receives.

Previously, Google denied using some of these ranking factors in Search, but they confirmed that the leaked documents are genuine, albeit imperfect.

The documents lack sufficient context and should not be used by the public as a guide on how Search works. Additionally, the documents do not indicate how ranking elements are measured in searches.

However, there is no information indicating whether the documents were genuinely "leaked" or perhaps accidentally published by Google.

Furthermore, there is no information stating whether Google is implementing the ranking factors outlined in the documents or just experimenting. Some factors may also not be used at all.

Although it surfaced publicly since March 2024, this document leak was first uploaded by an SEO practitioner named Erfan Azimi. He discovered API documentation released publicly on GitHub. He then brought the documents to Rand Fishkin and Mike King.

Mike King stated that this event is the largest data leak ever in Google Search, where the public can clearly see how Google operates.

There are several ranking factors suspected to be in the documents based on the confessions of Erfan Azimi and Rand Fishkin, including:

  • In the early years, Google's search team recognized the need for comprehensive clickstream data (every URL visited by a browser) for most web users to improve the quality of search engine results.
  • A system called "NavBoost" initially gathered data from Google's Toolbar PageRank, with the primary reason for creating the Chrome browser being to obtain more clickstream data. 
  • NavBoost used multiple searches on a keyword to identify search demand trends, the number of clicks on search results, and the comparison of long clicks (clicks that occur when a user searches, clicks on one result, stays on the site for a long time, and does not return to the search results) and short clicks (clicks that occur when a user searches, clicks on multiple results, and returns to the search results page to look for other results).
  • Google examines clicks and engagement on searches and after the main query. 
  • NavBoost's geo-fenced click data takes into account country and state or province levels. However, if Google lacks data for certain regions or user agents, they may apply the process universally to query results.
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, Google used a whitelist for websites that could appear in the top rankings of COVID-related search results. During elections, Google used a whitelist for websites that could display election-related information and much more.


How Does This Google Document Leak Affect SEO?

The leaked documents reveal that Google collects and potentially uses data that, according to them, does not contribute to the ranking of web pages in Google Search, such as clicks, Chrome user data, and much more.

However, the leaked information still sent shockwaves through the SEO, marketing, and publishing industries. This is because Google has always kept its search algorithm a closely guarded secret. Yet, the documents that surfaced to the public provide very clear information on how Google views website rankings.

Furthermore, many SEO strategists and observers see these documents as confirmation of long-held suspicions. They suggest that websites considered popular by Google may receive higher Search rankings for a query, even though lesser-known sites may have better information.

Google's decision-making on Search matters greatly affects everyone who relies on websites, such as online businesses, restaurants, small publishers, and more.

Those in related industries are constantly trying to crack the Google algorithm, though the results they present sometimes contradict one another. However, the leaked Google documents at least provide a glimpse into how Google operates.

Article Sources

As a dedicated news provider, we are committed to accuracy and reliability. We go the extra mile by attaching credible sources to support the data and information we present.

  1. Rand Fishkin on SparkToro -
  2. Michael King on iPullrank -
  3. Gizmodo -
  4. The Verge -

Disclaimer: All news published by cmlabs has undergone a strict verification and data processing process based on the cmlabs News Publication Guidelines. However, the data or core news we write may undergo changes, reductions, or additions. Consequently, cmlabs assumes no liability for any losses or damages that may arise from the use of this information. We encourage readers to conduct additional verification before making decisions based on the information written on this page.

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Alivia Ariatna

As an experienced SEO content writer, I specialize in crafting compelling, keyword-optimized content with extensive research on it. I stay updated with the latest SEO trends and best practices to ensure my content meets both user intent and search engine requirements.

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