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cmlabs Article Press Release Malaysia: Share Your Milestone. Expand Your Reach.

Article Press Release Service by cmlabs helps you create attention-grabbing headlines and strategic dissemination to ensure your message stands out in a crowded digital landscape, as we extend your reach far and wide across Malaysia.

Check Our Package

Attract buzz, share milestones, or gain exposure? Get them all with the Article Press Release.

Focus on the company's unique voice and messages.

Produce captivating storytelling that resonates with readers.

Optimize press releases for search engines to ensure they rank well in SERP.

Prioritize efficiency to produce high-quality press releases promptly.

Word quantity/content
Content quantity/month
Page title, meta-desc, & H1-6
Alt-image, image caption tag, & anchor text
Content & editorial calendar
Article revision
Inventory copy for: page title, meta-desc, & H1-6
Plagiarism check
Keyword research

Word quantity/content
Content quantity/month
Page title, meta-desc, & H1-6
Alt-image, image caption tag, & anchor text
Content & editorial calendar
Article revision
Inventory copy for: page title, meta-desc, & H1-6
Plagiarism check
Keyword research
Words count
Bussiness sector
Project duration
Press release quantity*
Need media placement?
WhatsApp number*
Email address*
Set meeting appointment?

Terms and conditions applied, read more?

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Words count

Bussiness sector

Project duration

Press release quantity*


Need media placement?

WhatsApp number

Email address*

Set meeting appointment?

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Why Article Press Release from cmlabs?

Our Article Press Release Service assists you in crafting captivating storytelling and SEO-friendly press articles for maximum impact. Trust our team of professionals to understand your goals and deliver high-quality press releases promptly.

Tailored Content

Customized content tailored to each client's specific needs and objectives.

Rapid Delivery

Prioritize efficiency to produce high-quality press releases promptly.

Captivating Storytelling

Producing compelling narratives that engage and resonate with readers.

Press Release Professionals

Our teams of experts understand effective strategies to meet your specific goals.

Optimized by SEO

Our SEO expertise ensures that press releases rank well in search engine results.

Professional SEO Services by cmlabs

Article Press Release Service Malaysia - Expand Your Reach!

Written by cmlabs July 04, 2024

Did you know that at least 68% of businesses admit that their products and brands have experienced a significant increase in online visibility through the publication of article press releases?

Aside from just having articles on their business websites, companies still rely on press releases to beef up their brand's authority, especially on search engines.

When you get your press release published in respected media outlets, it builds trust with potential customers, making them more likely to engage with your brand.

Curious to learn more about crafting press release articles and why they're so beneficial? Dive into the discussion below!

What Is an Article Press Release?

An article press release is written content crafted with a more journalistic approach. In general, article press releases aim to provide valuable and informative content to readers while also promoting a company's message or brand.

One of the key distinguishing features of an article press release is its emphasis on providing value to the reader beyond mere promotional content.

Article press releases can be an effective tool for building brand awareness and engaging with target audiences in a more meaningful way.

By providing valuable content that resonates with readers, companies can enhance their reputation, credibility, and authority within their industry while also promoting their products or services indirectly.

The Difference Between A Press Release and a PR Article

A press release and a PR article serve different purposes within a company's public relations strategy.

A press release is primarily used to announce specific news or events such as product launches, company milestones, or partnerships. It follows a strict format with a headline, lead paragraph, body paragraphs, and quotes, usually maintaining a concise length of 300 to 500 words.

In contrast, a PR article aims to engage, inform, and sometimes entertain a broader audience. These articles focus on topics like industry trends and have a more flexible structure and length.

What Is the Purpose of Press Releases?

If you're still wondering about the benefits of press release writing services for your company, check out the explanations below:

1. Increasing Brand Awareness

Writing an article for a press release can help you introduce your company, products, or services to a wider audience. With proper distribution, press releases can boost visibility and brand awareness in markets you've never reached before.

2. Increase Credibility and Authority

When distributed through trusted media outlets or online platforms, press releases can enhance a company's reputation, build trust with stakeholders, and establish it as a leader in its field.

3. Gaining Media Coverage

Press releases are an effective tool for garnering media coverage and generating publicity for company initiatives, events, or announcements.

Journalists often rely on press releases as a primary source of news and use them as a basis for writing articles or conducting interviews.

4. Increased SEO Efforts

Press releases can also have positive effects on a company's search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.

When optimized with relevant keywords and distributed through online channels, SEO press release service can improve a company's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and drive organic traffic to its website.

5. Crisis Management Control

In times of crisis or negative publicity, press releases can be an effective tool for managing and controlling the narrative. By promptly issuing a press release to address the situation, companies can provide accurate information, mitigate reputational damage, and reassure stakeholders.

What Should Be Included in a Press Release?

Writing a press release article is a critical aspect of your marketing strategy, and it demands careful consideration to ensure its effectiveness.

To optimize its impact, here are essential elements that should be incorporated:

  • A short, clear, yet attention-grabbing headline.
  • Direct and relevant opening paragraphs.
  • Complete 5W+1H information covering all essential details in the press release.
  • Quotes from involved figures to enhance the credibility of the press release.
  • SEO keywords and phrases to attract organic traffic.

Professional Press Release Writing Services by cmlabs

As a professional SEO agency in Indonesia, cmlabs also offers corporate press release writing services to help boost the visibility and credibility of your business.

This service becomes essential when businesses need to announce news, events, or developments related to a company, product, or service to the media and the public.

In cmlabs, we provide Press Release Writing Services that offer expertise in creating effective articles that are newsworthy, engaging, and tailored to target specific audiences.

Article Press Release by cmlabs also involves a thorough understanding of journalistic principles, communication strategies, and the nuances of various industries.

How Do Businesses Benefit from Press Release Writing Services by cmlabs?

Press release writers in cmlabs work closely with clients to gather relevant information and determine the key messages to be conveyed.

Our teams are experienced in creating press releases that adhere to journalistic standards, including clarity, objectivity, and accuracy, while also incorporating persuasive elements to capture the interest of journalists and readers.

As a business owner, press releases can significantly enhance your brand's visibility and credibility. Here are several advantages you can gain from utilising press release writing services offered by cmlabs:

  • Expertise and Guidance: From gathering relevant information to determining key messages, our teams ensure that each press release meets journalistic standards and effectively communicates the desired message.
  • Increased Visibility: We help businesses increase their chances of getting coverage in newspapers, magazines, websites, and other media outlets.
  • SEO-Optimized Article Press Release: Our team strategically incorporates relevant keywords and phrases to help increase online visibility and reach.
  • Enhanced Credibility: In cmlabs, we help you provide authoritative and newsworthy information to enhance your brand reputation.
  • Targeted Messaging: We can help you produce press articles that resonate with specific audiences.
  • High-Quality Writing Techniques: We can certify that each of your press articles will be meticulously composed.

Steps in Press Release Writing Services by cmlabs

At cmlabs, our press release writing services are designed to ensure that your news reaches the right audience effectively. Here’s an overview of our comprehensive process:

  • Initial Consultation: We begin with an in-depth consultation to understand your company's goals, key messages, and the target audience for the press release.
  • Research and Analysis: Our team conducts thorough research on your industry, competitors, and current trends to ensure the press release is relevant and newsworthy.
  • Ideating the Headline: We create a concise, compelling and SEO-friendly headline that grabs attention and clearly conveys the essence of your news.
  • Writing the Press Release: We draft the press release, ensure it meets journalistic standards, and effectively communicate your key messages.
  • Review and Approval: We send the draft press release to you for review and feedback. After the reviewing process, we ensure the final version accurately meets your expectations.

How Much Does It Cost to Do a Press Release?

The cost of a press release can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the content, the length of the release, the level of distribution, and whether additional services like media placement or SEO optimization are included.

With cmlabs, we have customized packages bespoke to your specific needs. By working closely with cmlabs, you can determine the most suitable combination of services to achieve your goals efficiently and effectively.

Who Needs Article Press Release Service by cmlabs?

If you ever wonder “Should I write a press release?”, the answer often depends on your goals and circumstances.

cmlabs provides Article Press Release Service tailored to businesses with diverse needs, whether it's for event announcements, product launches, strategic partnerships, company celebrations, or efforts to address negative issues attached to the brand.

It’s time for you to collaborate with us if you want to:

  • Swiftly and efficiently spread the word about product/service launches.
  • Enhance the company's positive image on search engines.
  • Maximize brand awareness and content reach.
  • Announce partnerships or strategic collaborations with other companies.
  • Boost reputation and credibility in the eyes of the public.
  • Address crises or potential negative issues that could harm the business's reputation.

Register your business or contact our marketing team to get a free consultation today and discover how our professional Article Press Release Services can help you achieve your digital marketing goals.

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