cmlabs Official Writing Guideline for Germany Region

Written by cmlabs | Last updated at Jun 13, 2024

NO. 00283/PP/CID/VI/2024

1. Language Aspects

A. Dominant Dialects

  • German (95%), Turkish (1.8%), Kurdish (0.3%), Danish (0.06%), Sorbian (0.09%), Romani (0.08%), and the rest are minor languages.
  • EN (UK) is mostly used in texts, as it is the standard usage in the European Commission.
  • EN (US) is not preferable since most Germans, and by extension Europeans, don’t communicate with Americanized English on a daily basis.

B. Slang

  • Germans often use local slang in daily verbal communication. However, they’re not used in most English content.
  • Germany has the highest English proficiency levels in the world, which means many German consumers are capable of understanding standard English.
  • English is often used in German copywriting as several technical terms don’t have equivalent German terms. For example: Domain Management
  • For a list of German slang, refer to this link.

C. Common Expressions

  • Germans communicate in standard English most of the time. The common English expressions are mostly similar to EN (UK) in texts.
  • As an added note, several English words are borrowed from German, like hamburger, wanderlust, kitsch, noodle, pretzel, etc.

D. Communication Styles

  • Most German users are fluent in English. Therefore, they pay attention to linguistic and grammatical correctness.
  • German consumers and business owners alike value clarity and transparency when discerning information in English.
  • German people are known for their directness, prioritizing openness, sincerity, and honesty instead of an indirect style of communication with polite superficiality.

E. Word Choices

  • Though Germans usually use unique characters like Ä, Ü, ß, delivering messages using such characters in English is not possible.
  • Fortunately, Google search engine algorithms can recognize alphabet replacements like U or A when running campaigns in German, ensuring correctness during website assessment.

2. Technical Aspects

A. Grammar and Spelling

Germans primarily use English (UK) to communicate. Therefore, the spelling should follow the UK standard. To ensure correctness, use a spellchecker and set it to EN (UK). As a general rule, advise the Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries website.

General Rule for Writing Units of Measurement

  • Grammekillogramme
  • Gramkilogram
  • Ton 
  • Tonne 
  • Metre: unit of length.
  • Meter: measuring instrument.

General Rule for Writing Numbers

  • Spell out the numbers, e.g. one to nine. Write down the digits thereafter.
  • I have three cats and two dogs.
  • There are 15 houseplants in my home.
  • Pet adoption has helped more than 20 animals this year.
  • As an exception, numbers in ranges, ratios, and other limitations state the number, e.g. “9 to 5”, “2 of out 10”, etc.
  • Germans use euros. However, there are many international transactions that happen in local businesses due to the coming and going of tourists.
  • Currencies are written in lowercase without initial capital letters, e.g. euro, dollar, rupiah, etc.
  • The writing standard for the currency in German is as follows:
    • EUR 500, USD 500
    • €500, $500
  • Separate units and subunits in a sentence using a point:
    • €7.20; $50.75; €1,200
    • EUR 1.2 thousand; EUR 2.4 billion; USD 1.8 billion.
  • Format: DD/MM/YYYY, e.g. 12 May 2024.
  • When including the day, write down the day first, followed by the date without a comma, e.g. Sunday 12 May 2024.
  • Decades should be written in numbers without an apostrophe, e.g. the 1990s, the 1980s, etc.

General Rules for Writing Names

  • Surnames are written with initial capital letters, e.g. Mr Smith, Ms Weber.
  • Retain the original accents for personal names, e.g. Cañete, Malmström, Šefčovič.
  • Titles not customary in English should be replaced with Mr, Ms, and Mx (a gender-neutral title). Be sure of the gender of the person in question.

Titles in German

Equivalent in English

Prof. Dr. H. SchmidtProf. H. Schmidt
Drs. A. BaerdemaekerMs A. Baerdemaeker
Ir. B. De BruynMs B. De Bruyn
Dipl.-Ing. W. BraunMr W. Braun

B. Localized SEO Strategy

To improve relevance and helpful content search, it’s best to create localized content. For instance, list German mountains when crafting content about “best mountains to hike”. The same goes for the other general topics. When we feature local information, the content will have a higher chance of being seen as relevant by search engines.

3. Cultural Aspects

A. Social Values

  • Germany’s population is predominantly Christian, with many Catholic and Protestant traditions celebrated throughout the year.
  • Germans are known for their dedication to good planning and punctuality, ensuring everything runs on time.
  • German people tend to be sensible and thrifty. They have the utmost respect for the sense of order in business culture.
  • Privacy is something Germans uphold as their highest priority. Oftentimes, German people use fake IDs on social media because they care the most about their personal data.

B. Cultural Sensitivities

  • Germany is a modern and advanced country with progressive policies regarding immigrationgender equality, and LGBTQ rights. To this day, Germany has been receiving more immigrants, increasing the multicultural value of its modern society.
  • Most of Germany’s population upholds liberal views towards homosexuality, gender equality, immigrants, and refugees.
  • When crafting content for German audiences, consider assimilating the country’s cultural values. Only then can we adjust our delivery in regards to clients’ needs.
  • Modern Germans tend to have a straightforward, formal attitude when it comes to understanding messages in English. Hence, it’s important to consider using inclusive and/or non-discriminative terms.

4. Prohibited Advertising Content

A. General Restrictions

  • No absolute limitations on advertising if said products are permitted.
  • Advertising pornographic content and tobacco products is strictly prohibited.

B. Advertising Methods

  • Advertising activities are not acceptable when they put pressure on customers, e.g., sending advertising content via email without users’ consent.
  • This rule generally applies to minors who are prone to media exploitation.

C. Rules for Particular Products

  • Credit and finance: Adhere to specific requirements and provide comprehensive information about the product, including the net loan amount, annual percentage rate, and many more.
  • Food and health: Contains a list of approved nutrition claims, reviewed by the competent authority.
  • Therapeutic goods and services: Compliance with the list of broad restrictions for third-party endorsements and testimonials. Note that advertising remote medical treatment is generally prohibited.
  • Alcohol: Advertising shall follow the German Advertising Council's strict code of conduct and not be directed at minors.
  • Tobacco and electronic cigarettes: Generally prohibited, but allowed in printed media for tobacco distributors. Similarly to alcohol, tobacco and electronic cigarette products shall not be aimed at minors.
  • Gambling: Strictly forbidden on television, internet, or telecommunications.
  • Lotteries: Permissible in accordance with the Joint Advertising Guideline of the States Regarding Gambling. The rule generally applies to low-risk potential lotteries organized less than twice a week.
  • Promotional contest: Allowed if the message is transparent and not misleading. Additionally, the advertising should provide terms and conditions of participation, including the costs and the announcement. Furthermore, the contest promoter should protect the participants’ interests.
  • Indirect marketing: No ambiguous message is tolerated in broadcasting and internet media. Advertising should clearly define the name, the logo, or any other symbols associated with the product.
  • Product placement: Completely prohibited on children’s programmes and only permissible under strict regulations.
  • Special regimes: Political, religious, and ideological advertising is strictly forbidden. However, this rule doesn’t apply to public service announcements, charity appeals, programmes in private media, or political campaigns during elections.

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