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What Is an SEO Consultant? Is It Important to Hire One?

Last updated: Jul 29, 2024

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An SEO consultant is a professional who assists businesses in enhancing their website's ranking in search engine results. 

Many modern businesses need help in implementing and optimising search engine optimisation (SEO) practices, which is why SEO consultants are in such high demand.

The primary goal of an SEO consultant is to make it easier for potential clients to find your business. That way, you’ll stay competitive in your industry and boost your revenue.

To learn more about what is an SEO consultants and their importance to your business growth, read the explanation below!


What Is an SEO Consultant?

Illustration of an SEO consultant.
Figure 1: Illustration of an SEO consultant.

An SEO consultant is an expert who improves websites to make them more visible in search engines. 

They can work as freelancers, as part of SEO consulting companies, or as part of a company's digital marketing team. They are typically hired for a short term to boost a client's organic traffic.

The job description of a business SEO consultant involves analysing a website's structure and content to identify areas for improvement and fix any issues.

SEO consultants need to understand how search engines operate, stay updated on current SEO trends and best practices, and adapt to changing search engine algorithms.


What Are SEO Consultant's Responsibilities?

An SEO consultant's responsibilities vary depending on the industry and the scope of their work. Howsoever, they need to be skilled in all aspects of the SEO process as they are usually hired to perform specific tasks or complete specific projects.

Here is the list of responsibilities that SEO consultants usually do:


1. SEO Practices Audit

Of course, an SEO consultant's main task is to audit SEO practices. An SEO audit involves a comprehensive analysis of your website's structure and content to search for which areas need to improve.

Typically, an SEO audit includes:

  • Identifying page indexation issues.
  • Assessing the link profile.
  • Checking page load speed and web vitals.
  • Analysing content and keyword gaps.


2. Create SEO Strategy

An SEO specialist's key responsibility is developing an SEO strategy that is aligned with the company's overall business objectives.

The creation of an SEO strategy is a complex process that requires an in-depth knowledge of the SEO best practices that are relevant to the client's website.

An SEO expert needs to consider a client's industry, website authority and subject matter expertise from a search engine standpoint.

When implemented effectively, an SEO strategy can significantly impact a business's online visibility and success.


3. Do Keyword Research

Effective keyword research is essential for all websites. The business SEO consultant's role is to find the best keywords for the business and cluster topics for search engine authority.

When selecting keywords, SEO consultants consider factors such as news coverage, competition, and opportunity. The goal is to optimise content around those keywords to improve search engine rankings.


4. Optimise On-Page SEO

Another SEO consultant’s responsibility is on-page SEO. On-page optimisation may be the reason a competitor's website is ranked higher than yours.

On-page SEO practices include optimising URLs, titles, headings, keyword usage, and internal links, all ranking signals used by search engines.


5. Optimise Off-Page SEO

Off-site optimisation includes all external activities that help to improve your website's ranking. This includes link building, mentions, PR, and guest posting, as long as they drive traffic and results to your website.

Off-site SEO requires a wider reach. Thus, it's beneficial to hire an SEO consultant who can use their industry connections to benefit your site.


6. Report and Analyze SEO

Business SEO consultants are required to deliver reports that track, measure, and interpret data concerning a website's search engine rankings, user behaviour, and overall traffic.

They may gather this data using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. They monitor metrics such as organic traffic, bounce rate, conversion rate, page load speed, and keyword rankings.


7. SEO Training

The last SEO consultant's responsibility is to do training. SEO consulting services often include training for in-house digital marketing teams. 

The training may cover topics such as keyword research, on-page and off-page optimisation, technical SEO, and more, by using real-world examples and practical exercises. 


When do You Need an SEO Consultant?

You may wonder if this is the right time to hire a consultant. Here are some signs that show you may need to hire an SEO consultant:


1. When You Have Clear Business Goals

The right time to hire a business SEO consultant is when you have clear business objectives. At this stage, you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. 

Whether it's increasing your online visibility, driving more organic traffic, increasing sales or entering new markets. 


2. When You are Developing a Business

Business growth may require preparing your website for more traffic, such as expanding products or targeting new markets.

An SEO consultant can help by advising on creating SEO-friendly content, optimising product pages for conversions, and improving website navigation.


3. When You are Improving the Website

As well as expanding your business, revamping your website may indicate the need for SEO support. 

Working with a consultant will help you focus your website improvements on the SEO strategies that will generate the most traffic.


4. When You Need a New Content Strategy

SEO is about having relevant, authoritative content that matches the intent of the searcher. If you plan to develop a new content strategy, the guidance of an SEO consultant can be the best option.


5. When You are Improving Exist SEO Practices

If you feel that your SEO practice is not effective and needs improvement, then it's time to contact a consulting SEO service as they can help you gain valuable insight and improve your SEO practices.


What are the Benefits of Hiring an SEO Consultant?

An SEO consultant can pinpoint the issues and recommend strategies to enhance your site's organic visibility.

Here are a few additional reasons why hiring an SEO consultant can be beneficial for your business:

  • Enhance organic traffic without relying on paid advertisements.
  • Generate new leads.
  • Build trust among site visitors.
  • Convert potential customers into loyal, paying clients.
  • Increase sales.
  • Implementation of SEO strategy by industry experts.


Tips for Choose the Best SEO Consultant

Here are some helpful tips to guide you in selecting the best SEO consultant for your business needs:


1. Set your Business Goals

Understanding your company's current position and future goals is crucial to selecting the right consulting SEO provider to help you achieve your business goals. 

By clearly identifying your business's current and desired state, you can better determine which professionals will best support your strategic needs. 


2. Set Your Budget

It's important to set a budget plan before approaching consulting SEO services. This will ensure your business remains financially stable and maintains healthy cash flow. Make sure that you get all your business needs at reasonable prices.


3. Do SEO Consultant Research

Another crucial tip for getting the best SEO consultant is to do deep research. You can compare their reputation, experience, achievements and what services they offer. Choose the suitable one for your business needs and fit your budget.


4. Create Your List Needs

After defining your goals, budget, and the available services in the market, the next step is to create your list of needs. This will help you choose a suitable consultant you want to hire.


5. Contact the Best SEO Consultant

If you are still unsure and confused about which SEO consultant to choose, you can contact the consultant candidate directly and discuss your needs and what they offer as a solution. 

You can also choose SEO services that suit your business. For example, if your business is in the B2B sector, you should consult with specialised B2B SEO consultants.



To sum up, hiring an SEO consulting service can significantly boost your business by providing expert guidance to help improve your online presence and achieve SEO practice goals.

But somehow hiring an SEO specialist is going to be costly without you knowing their performance yet. Therefore, it's better for you to collaborate with SEO Services by cmlabs, who provide many experts and experienced SEO consultants.

Contact our marketing team now to learn how our customised strategies can provide you with a competitive advantage in your field. Elevate your website’s performance with our effective SEO solutions now!



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