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9 Steps Guide on How to Start a Clothing Brand in the UK | 2024

Last updated: May 06, 2024

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Many aspiring fashion designers find themselves at a crossroads after completing their fashion degree, wondering about their next steps in the real world of fashion entrepreneurship.

While fashion school equips you with technical skills like pattern grading and sewing, it often fails to prepare graduates for the realities of launching their fashion brand.

To make your fashion dreams come true and succeed in the fast-paced fashion industry, you need a mix of skills, creativity, and good business knowledge.

This guide will discuss how to start a clothing brand in the UK, a European country where fashion flourishes. It will help you with insights, strategies, and effective tips for starting your clothing brand.


How to Start a Clothing Brand in the UK

There are 9 steps to start a clothing brand in the UK, ranging from planning, setting up your businesses, post-production, and more. Here are the detailed lists for you to consider.


1. Decide Your Business Model

The first step on how to start a clothing business is to decide your business model. The foundation of your clothing line lies in your business model. This defines how you'll operate and generate revenue. 

Here are three popular options to consider:

  1.  On-Demand/Self-Designed Printing

This model is ideal for beginners due to its low cost. You can source plain garments like t-shirts and add your designs or logos using services like print-on-demand (POD) companies. POD allows you to create custom designs without holding inventory upfront. You can also offer personalised options like names or numbers on clothing.

  1.  Wholesale Customisation:

This model involves purchasing plain clothing in bulk at wholesale prices. You then customise them with your designs, prints, and logos using techniques like screen printing or embroidery. While requiring a significant initial investment, this approach allows for higher-quality customisation and higher profit potential.

  1. Designing From Scratch:

This model is for those who want a unique brand from the ground up. You'll source raw materials, develop original designs, and either manufacture the garments yourself or partner with a manufacturer. This requires the most time, money, and expertise but offers the greatest creative freedom and potential for high profit margins.

The best model depends on your budget, creativity, and long-term goals. Consider your resources, target market, and desired level of control over the design and manufacturing process.


2. Decide Your Clothing Niche

Think of a niche as a specialised area of the market that you can focus on is the next step in how to start a clothing brand in the UK. 

When selecting a niche for your store, consider what are you passionate about and what unique offerings can you provide that other stores don’t.

For instance, if you love fashion and enjoy discovering one-of-a-kind clothing pieces, you might consider starting an online vintage store. On the other hand, if you have design skills, you could launch a store specialising in custom-made apparel. 

There are plenty niche niche-inspiring ideas such as bohemian-inspired fashion, unique t-shirts, business clothes for men or formal business clothes for women, and many more. 

Choosing the right niche can set your store apart and attract customers who are specifically interested in what you offer.


3. Plan Your Budget

All is good, but, how much does it cost to start a clothing brand? 

Starting a fashion brand in the UK typically requires a minimum of about £2000, although it's feasible to start with less or even no money using specific business models.

Starting small is a smart move! Build your clothing line gradually as you learn and grow. Even with a bigger budget, be flexible because fashion trends can change quickly. 

The cost to launch a clothing line depends on what you're selling and how you'll sell it (online or in stores). Here are some key cost areas to consider:

  • Clothes making: This includes materials, labour, and any custom touches like printing. Will you make a big batch upfront or use a service that makes them on-demand?
  • Design: If you can't design them yourself, factor in the cost of hiring a designer or buying a pre-made design.
  • Getting your clothes to customers: Think about shipping costs, especially if your manufacturer doesn't handle it directly.
  • Marketing campaign: Budget for marketing to reach your target audience and build your brand. This might include website costs if you don't have one already.

Budgeting is an important step on how to start a clothing brand in the UK. By planning these things out, you'll be well to launch your UK clothing line without breaking the bank!


4. Set Up Your E-Commerce Store

If you are wondering how to start a clothing brand online, the UK provides the right market for you. The rise of online shopping makes it a great time to jump into the fashion industry. 

More than half (51%) of UK shoppers buy online! This means customers are looking for convenient ways to shop, and a website can be your key to success. 

Don't worry, building an online store isn't as scary as it seems. There are platforms like BigCommerce, Shopify, and Magento that make it easy to set up your shop. 

These user-friendly platforms are secure and packed with features to help you sell more clothes and grow your business.


5. Build Your Clothing Branding

Create a brand that resonates with customers beyond just selling clothes! Consider how people often choose well-known brands even if they're pricier than local options.

Brand loyalty hinges on trust and connection. In fashion, customers prefer brands they trust for quality, style, and a certain feeling. You aim to craft an identity that appeals to your target audience and makes them choose you over others.

Key areas to focus on include:

  • Quality: Use high-quality materials and ethical production to build trust.
  • Brand Story: Share your narrative to create an emotional bond with customers.
  • Brand Values: Define what matters to your brand and let it guide your decisions.
  • Brand Personality: Develop a unique vibe that sets you apart and resonates with your audience.

Once you've nailed these aspects, work on a catchy name, logo, and tagline to encapsulate your brand essence. Building a brand isn't just about selling clothes; it's about creating a loyal community around your story and values.


6. Sort on Legal Formalities Needed

When starting a clothing business in the UK, it's crucial to follow all the necessary rules and standards. You don’t need a specific license for an online clothing store unless you plan to sell in a physical market. 

Make sure your clothes meet the Supply of Goods and Services Act, the Sale of Goods Act, and the Sale and Supply of Goods Act, ensuring they match your descriptions. Remember, as the seller, it's your responsibility to fulfil these obligations by offering high-quality products as advertised.


7. Get the Right Insurance

Protect your business with proper insurance coverage like public liability, professional indemnity, and product liability insurance. This safeguards you in case of legal complaints from customers or others. Insurance needs may differ based on whether you sell online or locally, so choose wisely.


8. Choose the Right Manufacturer

As your business grows, you'll need a reliable factory to produce clothes in bulk. You can choose between Cut-Measure-Trim (CMT) where you supply design and materials, or Full Package Production (FFP) where the factory handles everything. 

While FFP may cost more, it saves time. Research is key to finding the right factory; ask colleagues for recommendations and consider choosing a local factory for easier oversight and the "Made in the UK" appeal.


9. Test Your Products and Collect Feedback

The last step in how to start a clothing brand in the UK is to see the people's response to your products. Before launching your clothing line, test your products and collect feedback. 

Try showcasing at fairs, marketplaces, and social media like Instagram or Facebook. Send samples to industry peers or friends for honest reviews to ensure your products meet customer expectations.



At last, we have discussed things you need to know about how to start a clothing brand in the UK. This guide has everything from creating a business plan to marketing the products. Now, it’s your turn to take your first step towards becoming a known clothing brand in the UK.

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