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SEO for Political Campaign

93% of British internet users search for information related to their needs or the latest news using Google. Naturally, a political campaign is involved in the things that come up in the search results. A political figure’s information, including his or her track record, can be found with a single query input.

Let's prepare your election campaign!
seo for political campaign
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and hundreds of national & local media in Indonesia

Due to political campaign restrictions on available social media and search engine platforms (we think the local regulation will continue to restrict this topic, including Indonesia), campaign executives are compelled to explore more effective options for running political campaigns.

Create. Communicate. Empower.

icon election

Presidential Election

cmlabs helps promote presidential candidates once every five years through all kinds of campaigns

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Regional Head Election

cmlabs can help spreading words about regional leader elections through all kinds of campaigns

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Political Events

cmlabs accepts any requests from political parties to manage campaigns

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cmlabs also accepts requests from individuals or political parties for events or campaigns related to political purposes

We understand that SEO is not a standalone mkt-strategy

We need to have synergy with other marketing channels or any election campaign on your list, to be constantly challenged and stretched on a day-to-day basis.

seo among marketing strategy

What to expect?

To be constantly challenged and stretch on a day to day basis

We give you the edge in your political-campaign


Political campaign expert

Spread the word about your political campaigns by conquering search engines with the help of our SEO services


Guaranteed branding solution

Create positive branding by providing SEO-friendly content concerning your career or track record in politics and help it sit on the top spot of the SERP

Reliable partner

Protect your brand image

Spread a strong brand image by getting featured in national media and increase the chance to win the election


Discover the right connection / potential voters

Target the right audience pool to be your potential voters with the proper campaign and support from our SEO experts

Distinctive Competencies

Search Engine Expert

  • Valuable & visible to customer
  • Rare among solution providers
  • Superior to those of competitors
  • Costly (also difficult for other to imitate)

Get into our solution

Branding / Public Relationship & The Distribution Services

solution icon

Approach 1

Prepare answers to questions that will be asked and have been asked

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Approach 2

Help set the brand image of a particular topic/person as planned

solution icon

Approach 3

Send targeted message and publish anywhere as planned, at any time

Couldn't find the best approach that fits your campaign plan? Talk to our team

Strengthen Your Campaign using These Essential Tools

brand mention

People & Brand Mention

Track and monitor the impact of media coverage on your brand image.


Most Popular

Identify which content is currently trending in a certain media.


cmlabs Surge: Stay Ahead of Trends!

Discover Rising Topics & Events in Indonesia (by Google Trends). Track Indonesia's Trending Events with Google Trends

Trusted by various niches companies

Whether your business is early in its journey or well on its way to digital transformation, cmlabs will help you solve your toughest marketing challenges. Capture who search your product in Google precisely!


Health Care

IT & Hosting








Let's win this election campaign together

Understand you customer. Understand your SEO.

Still confused about our SEO Political Campaign offer? cmlabs can help you understand the role of Political Campaign in SEO comprehensively.

Consult with us

In this package, we provide SEO services, SEO writing services, and media buying.

No need. You can take a service unit. However, the process will be better and the results will be more comprehensive if we integrate our three services into your political campaign.

Anyone in need of political campaign promotion, whether affiliated with a political party or an individual politician.

We will not serve black campaigns. For example, spreading a negative impression of a candidate through intentionally written content by us.

We can help make landing pages for your political campaigns. You only need to prepare the necessary data and documents you want to include on the landing page.

In general, the details of our services are the same; it's just that the objectives of the campaign are different. For political campaigns. We provide political content, and we are more cautious about posting content that discusses politicians or a party in order for it to be published by the media or bloggers.

In general, the results of SEO can be said to take quite a long time. We can't tell you exactly how long it will take for your website or content to occupy the best position on the SERP. This is because each service from cmlabs plans a timeline to occupy a spot on the SERP. For more details, please contact our marketing here.

Yes. The requirement only applies to our two services that are not bound by a minimum time of cooperation, namely our SEO Content Writing and Media Buying services. However, to use our SEO Services, you need a minimum of 8 months to work with cmlabs so you can get an optimal result.

Broaden your SEO knowledge for political topic

How a Political Consultant Can Benefit from SEO Strategies

How a Political Consultant Can Benefit from SEO Strategies

The role of a political consultant is crucial in an election. It's time to make a success out of it with SEO strategies.

04 Apr 2023 • 4 min read

Maximizing Online Presence: SEO for Presidential Campaign

Maximizing Online Presence: SEO for Presidential Campaign

Running a presidential campaign with SEO strategies is an effort worth trying in this digital age. Save your advertising budget and learn how to do it here.

04 Apr 2023 • 4 min read

Planning Out a Digital Political Strategy with SEO

Planning Out a Digital Political Strategy with SEO

When it comes to a digital political strategy, it's important to choose a tactic that works efficiently.

17 Mar 2023 • 5 min read

Need help?

Tell us your SEO needs, our marketing team will help you find the best solution

Here is the officially recognized list of our team members. Please caution against scam activities and irresponsible individuals who falsely claim affiliation with PT CMLABS INDONESIA DIGITAL (cmlabs). Read more
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