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How to Rank a Website Locally, Easy & Effective in 2024

Last updated: Jun 18, 2024

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Local SEO strategy is an approach that helps your website appear at the top when people in your area search for your products or services. Thus, business needs to understand how to rank a website locally.

In this article, we will explore 9 easy steps in how to rank a website locally higher in search results by using a local SEO strategy. Below is the full explanation of it!


What Is Local SEO?

Local SEO refers to optimization efforts that aim to increase a business's visibility in local organic search results. 

Google's local search algorithm considers users' location when they search for local keywords, even if the location is not explicitly mentioned in the search query. 


Why Is Local SEO Important?

There are some reasons why local SEO is important for your website growth. Below is the reasons why it is so important:

Local SEO increases online visibility and attracts local customers.

  • Separate algorithms support major Google search results and local map packs, thus offering double visibility opportunities.
  • Utilizing SEO tools customized for local search helps in conducting locally-oriented SEO audits and optimizing online presence for local audiences.


9 Easy Steps on How to Rank a Website Locally Higher

Illustration of targeting local audience for your website.
Figure 1: Illustration of targeting local audience for your website.

Here are some easy steps you can do to rank a business website in your local area. 

1. Add Local Keywords

The first step in how to rank a website locally is to add local keywords. Local keywords are a crucial aspect of local SEO strategy when targeting users in specific areas. 

Different from general search queries that focus on what users seek, local search includes a location component, asking "Find me this thing in this place." This focus ensures that search results are relevant to a specific geographic area.

Local keywords contain this added location element, which differentiates them from standard keywords. 

For example, phrases like "rent dress in Australia" pinpoint what users are seeking and where they expect to find it. Using such keywords in your website's content can boost its visibility to local users.

On the other hand, we do not recommend phrases like "renting dress near me" as it is hugely dynamic due to users’s current locations. Thus, really hard to optimize for.


2. Register a Google My Business Listing Account

Google My Business is an essential tool for local website optimization, allowing businesses to manage their presence in local search and Google Maps. 

Creating a Google My Business listing is a great way how to get a website higher on Google as it helps customers find you more easily. In addition, the benefits include improved rankings, a place in the Local 3 pack, and a presence in the Knowledge Panel on the Google search page.


3. Make Top-Quality Website Content Optimisation

The second step in how to rank a website locally is to make top-quality website content. To achieve high rankings on search engines, websites must focus on optimizing their content for both search engine algorithms and user experience. 

While search engines evaluate websites based on a range of factors that contribute to their authority, users typically judge a site by its content. Thus, creating top-quality content is key to achieving high search engine rankings and engaging users.

Google emphasizes the EEAT guidelines in assessing a website's quality and reliability. EEAT stands for:

  • Experience: This means the content is created by someone with real-life experience on the topic.
  • Expertise: The content should be written by someone who is an expert or has specific knowledge about the subject. This can be shown through credentials or a detailed understanding of the topic.
  • Authoritativeness: This refers to how reputable the content's source is.
  • Trustworthiness: A trustworthy website gives users a sense of security and reliability. This could mean having clear business practices, secure transactions, and transparent communication.


4. Create Great Visual for the Website and Its Content

The third step in how to rank a website locally is to create great visuals for your website. Visual elements like graphics and videos play a key role in making a website feel lively and appealing, which is particularly important when you're trying to sell a product or service. 

Well-designed visuals can enhance user experience, support your brand image, and make your business more presentable.

In addition, to create appealing visuals for your website, you can consider using 360° photos, animations, infographics, charts, and diagrams to bring more life, build credibility, and showcase expertise.


5. Optimise for Multilingual SEO

The other step in how to rank a website locally is by optimizing multilingual SEO. It is not only translating content but also involves strategic planning and implementation to effectively cross language barriers.

Here are the key steps to optimize for multilingual SEO:

  • Select the Right URL Structure: When expanding to international markets, it's important to avoid URL structures that compete with your existing domain. 
  • Implement the Hreflang Attribute: Adding the hreflang attribute to your HTML code helps search engines understand which language and region your content is intended for.
  • Ensure a Compatible Layout: Some languages have different writing directions, such as right-to-left or top-to-bottom. 
  • Avoid Automatic Redirects: Redirecting users based on their IP address to specific language versions can lead to issues like slower page load times and incorrect language targeting
  • Use Quality Human Translations: Invest in professional translators who are native speakers and understand the cultural context to ensure accurate and meaningful translations.


6. Create Snippets with Structured Data

The following step in how to rank a website locally is to create snippets with structured data as it enhances your website's search engine visibility. Rich snippets are visually appealing search results that display additional information, making them more clickable and enticing to users. 

They can contain various elements such as images, ratings, reviews, prices, or specific business information, depending on the website's content.

To create rich snippets, you need to use structured data on your website. This involves adding specific code to your web pages to help search engines understand and present your content in an enriched format. 

In addition, for local businesses, common types of structured data include address, telephone number, opening hours, review score, prices, menu, etc.


7. Gather Positive Reviews

The other step in how to make a website rank higher is to gather positive reviews. Positive customer reviews are more influential than even the best advertising. To collect these reviews, you can focus on providing exceptional service and a great customer experience. 

You can also create a dedicated page on your website where customers can leave and read reviews, offering social proof to new visitors. 

In addition, it is also important to increase your visibility by including review scores in rich snippets on search engine results. To encourage reviews, simply request feedback from customers and provide an easy-to-use link to your review form.


8. Build Local Links

The other way how to rank a website locally is to build local links. It is an important strategy in local SEO strategy, signaling to Google that your website is relevant and valuable to users in your community. 

When local websites link to your business, this can boost your search engine rankings, showing that you are a trusted resource in your niche.

Additionally, to build these valuable links, you can focus on researching and connecting with local resources that share your interests or industry. These can include local forums, news portals, blogs about local events, websites of other businesses, and business directories. 


9. Make a Mobile-Friendly Website

Optimizing your website for mobile devices is an essential step in how to rank a website locally, as mobile devices are becoming the dominant platform for online traffic. 

While users can browse products on their mobile phones and switch to a PC to complete the purchase, a mobile-friendly site can encourage them to complete the transaction without switching devices. 

Key steps for mobile optimization include large, easy-to-read text, high-quality images with minimal file size, responsive design, and fast loading times. 

Additionally, you should ensure adequate spacing between text, links, and interactive elements to enhance the mobile user experience.



By following these 9 easy steps on how to make your website rank higher on Google, you can significantly improve your website's local search ranking, attract more customers, and grow your business.

However, implementing these steps can be challenging, especially if you're new to local SEO or lack the time and resources to do it all yourself. This is where a professional SEO agency can make a big difference. 

An agency like cmlabs, which specializes in SEO services, can guide you through the process, offering expertise and tools to optimize your website effectively.

cmlabs can help with everything from technical audits to content creation and keyword research, ensuring that your website is positioned to rank higher locally.

With cmlabs' professional SEO services, you can save time and avoid costly mistakes while gaining the benefits of expert guidance. Try SEO Services by cmlabs and contact our Marketing Team to discuss your local business needs!


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