cmlabs Robots.txt Checker: A New SEO Tool to Websites’ Robots.txt Validity

Written by cmlabs, Oct 03 2023

cmlabs has recently introduced a new SEO tool called Robots.txt Checker. This tool is highly beneficial for webmasters to validate the robots.txt file used on a website.

In this tool, the user is required to enter the URL of the website they want to check. To initiate the checking process, they need to select the bot options used in the testing.

Users can also view a list of resource URLs from the tested website by clicking the "Check Resource" button.

Figure 1. Input website URL process in Robots.txt Checker

Once the form is filled, the next step is to click the "Check URL" button in the upper right corner to obtain the testing results. After the process is complete, the user will receive a report like the one below.

Figure 2. Example of robots.txt testing results on a website

In this result report, the user will obtain various data such as whether the website's URL contains a defined robots.txt file and details regarding the content of the robots.txt file defined on the tested website.

Users can also view a list of pages or resources from the tested website with results as follows.

Figure 3. Example of a website's resource URL results

Try and explore this tool on the cmlabs SEO Tools page using the following URL: 

If you have any questions about this tool, please feel free to email us at

Last edited 2023-10-03 16:46:29



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